Abdominoplasty with Pubic Lift and Hernia Repair.
A young mother of five, following a significant 200-pound weight loss, found herself facing challenges with excess skin on her abdomen and a loosened abdominal wall. Prior to surgery, the patient, standing at 5 foot 6, weighed 178 pounds, had a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 28.7. Despite being in Utah, she recognized the renowned expertise of Dr. Cat, and decided to travel the distance for her signature Extended Abdominoplasty combined with a Pubic Lift. As a result of this dedicated journey and Dr. Cat’s signature Tummy Tuck, she achieved a significantly improved physique. Dr. Cat removed 13 inches of excess skin, weighing a little over 4 pounds. She also repaired 6 centimeters of abdominal muscle separation. The patient had an umbilical hernia, and it was successfully repaired by Dr. Cat’s trusted general surgeon colleague.
Given her out-of-town status, this patient had her further follow-up appointments virtually, sending in photos from home. The after photo was taken from the comfort of this patient’s home, for her 1 year virtual follow up appointment. This patient is thrilled with her natural-looking tummy tuck results.