Welcome to our gallery section. Here, you’ll be able to see “Before & After” images of our patients with positive transformation of their body shape. If you’d like to reshape your figure, then please book an appointment with Dr. Cat Plastic Surgery. We’re one of the top-rated Abdominoplasty in Beverly Hills.

Case TTK-0988
Abdominoplasty with Pubic Lift and Hernia Repair
This patient is in phenomenal shape, but as a result of multiple pregnancies, she had excess skin of her abdomen and mons pubis as well as abdominal muscle separation that caused discomfort. Even though this patient works out, she mentioned that she could not feel the effects of her workouts because of how loose her abdominal wall muscles were. Dr. Cat repaired over 4.5 centimeters of abdominal muscle separation. The excess skin flap that was removed measured 7 inches and weighed about 9 ounces. After her tummy tuck in Beverly Hills with Dr. Cat, this patient feels much stronger and she is finally able to see her ab muscles after surgery. This patient is 3 months post-op so her scar will continue to fade, but it is already so low and thin and hides behind the thinnest string bikinis.

Case TTK-1014
Tummy Tuck with Pubic Lift
This out-of-town patient has always been in great shape, but after multiple pregnancies, she wanted to remove the excess skin of her abdomen and mons pubis as well as repair her abdominal wall muscles. She traveled from Texas for surgery, so she stayed in LA for two weeks until her drains were removed and she was cleared by Dr. Cat to return home. She sent in this photo for her 1 month virtual follow-up appointment with Dr. Cat in the comfort of her own home. This patient had a quick and easy tummy tuck recovery with Dr. Cat’s gentle technique. For more information on out-of-town patient info, please click here.Tummy Tuck with Pubic Lift
This out-of-town patient has always been in great shape, but after multiple pregnancies, she wanted to remove the excess skin of her abdomen and mons pubis as well as repair her abdominal wall muscles. She traveled from Texas for surgery, so she stayed in LA for two weeks until her drains were removed and she was cleared by Dr. Cat to return home. She sent in this photo for her 1 month virtual follow-up appointment with Dr. Cat in the comfort of her own home. This patient had a quick and easy tummy tuck recovery with Dr. Cat’s gentle technique. For more information on out-of-town patient info, please click here.

Case TTK-0944
Tummy Tuck with Pubic Lift and Hernia Repair
After having multiple children, this patient desired to remove and tighten excess skin of her abdomen and mons pubis. She also had muscle separation from her previous pregnancies. Dr. Cat removed about 9 inches of excess skin from the abdomen and mons pubis and she repaired about 5 centimeters of abdominal muscle separation. This patient has natural-looking results at only 3 months post-op.Tummy Tuck with Pubic Lift and Hernia Repair
After having multiple children, this patient desired to remove and tighten excess skin of her abdomen and mons pubis. She also had muscle separation from her previous pregnancies. Dr. Cat removed about 9 inches of excess skin from the abdomen and mons pubis and she repaired about 5 centimeters of abdominal muscle separation. This patient has natural-looking results at only 3 months post-op.