Buccal Fat Removal

Buccal fat removal is a surgical process to create a defined facial contour and reduce cheek fat. The size of this fat pad determines the shape of the face. This pad can be reduced with surgery. It will create a more defined facial structure by slimming chubby or rounded cheeks.
Dr. Cat Begovic is a board-certified plastic surgeon in Los Angeles and Beverly Hills, California. She is a three-time winner of Best of Beverly Hills Award in the cosmetic surgeons category.

What Is Buccal Fat Removal?

The objective of buccal fat removal is to thin out the cheek area of the face, specifically in the hollows of the cheeks. Even though a soft and supple face may be considered youthful, some individuals think their faces look too full or broad in appearance.

The size of the pad can vary with each patient and may be different sizes on each side of the face. This type of cosmetic surgery isn’t normally performed on patients with narrow or thin appearing faces. It would cause them to appear older and a bit gaunt in appearance. Rather, the goal is to create more defined cheekbones. If you have large buccal fat pads it creates a rounder or fuller appearance to the face. It’s sometimes referred to as a “baby face”. 

The Benefits of Buccal Fat Removal

Fuller cheeks are completely normal, but many patients desire to have well-defined cheekbones. Completing this surgery offers patients a way to enhance their appearance to have a defined facial contour. The best part is, all incisions are made inside the mouth of the patient so there are no visible scars after surgery. And the procedure is quite short, generally only taking a little over an hour to complete. The procedure and the benefits are personal and aesthetic.

They also include:

  • An enhanced facial appearance
  • A more attractive profile
  • A more defined and sculpted cheek appearance
  • Restored confidence

Who’s a Good Candidate for Buccal Fat Reduction?

If any of the following points apply to you then you may be a good candidate for cheek reduction surgery:

  • You don’t smoke
  • You have realistic expectations
  • You’d prefer less full cheeks
  • You have a fuller or rounder face
  • You’re at a healthy weight and in overall good health physically
  • You suffer from pseudoherniation (caused by a rounded mass of fat that is due to a weak buccal fat pad)
  • You’re interested in facial feminization surgery

But buccal fat removal is not for everybody. Here are a few scenarios where buccal fat removal isn’t recommended:

  • You’re a bit older. As people age, they naturally lose some of the fat in their faces. This type of surgery may emphasize signs of aging like the appearance of jowls making you look older than you are.
  • If you have a disorder called hemifacial atrophy (Parry-Romberg syndrome). This can make the skin on one side of the face contract. It’s been known to affect the buccal fat in the cheek.
  • If you have a narrow or thin face. The procedure could cause the appearance of sunken cheeks which will make you appear older.

Dr. Cat Plastic Surgery can help you decide if cheek reduction surgery is right for you and the consultation appointment will give you a clearer picture of what to expect.

A Sculpted and Contoured Look

At Dr. Cat Plastic Surgery, buccal fat removal is performed with a focus on artistic precision and elevated aesthetic expertise. Our team of experienced surgeons understands the importance of maintaining facial harmony and balance while achieving the desired outcome for each patient. With an elevated aesthetic eye, Dr. Cat carefully assess the unique facial structure of each individual, considering factors such as facial symmetry, proportions, and the patient’s desired results. By employing meticulous surgical techniques, she skillfully removes the appropriate amount of buccal fat to create a more sculpted and contoured appearance. The emphasis on artistic execution ensures that the results of buccal fat removal at Dr. Cat Plastic Surgery are natural-looking, enhancing the patient’s features in a harmonious and aesthetically pleasing manner.

With Dr. Cat as your surgeon, you’ll always feel comfortable and at ease before, during, and after the procedure. Dr. Cat has performed thousands of face & neck plastic surgery procedures and is internationally acclaimed for her artistry and ability to give patients the refined and natural look they are wanting to achieve.

How Do I Prepare For Buccal Fat Removal Surgery?

Standard lab testing and a full medical evaluation will be performed before any surgical procedure. Buccal fat removal is no different. Before the surgery, you should stop using all of the following:

  • Herbal supplements that may thin the blood
  • Any anti-inflammatory medications
  • Aspirin

This operation can be performed under general or local anesthesia. Whichever you opt for, you shouldn’t experience any discomfort or pain since you are going to Dr. Cat, a reputable surgeon. Dr. Cat prides itself on her expertise, using meticulous and gentle techniques so you’ll feel at ease during the entire process.

What’s The Buccal Fat Extraction Like?

Before the Procedure

Before the procedure, you will discuss the following points with Dr. Cat:

  • Your past surgeries
  • Any drug or medication allergies
  • Any drug, alcohol, or tobacco use
  • All current medications you may be on including supplements and vitamins
  • Any current medical conditions
  • What your expectations and goals are for the surgery
  • You may have to stop taking certain medications and take a blood test before the procedure can take place.
  • Then the surgeon will also examine your face and take photographs before any surgery takes place.

Having all of this information will allow Dr. Cat to determine the best approach, discover possible risks involved, and what the recovery process may look like.

During the Procedure

This procedure is normally performed in-office, but it can also be performed at our state-of-the-art surgery center. Normally what that involves is:

  1. You’ll be administered local anesthesia on your face if you’re only receiving cheek reduction surgery. You’ll be awake during the procedure and you won’t feel any pain. Dr. Cat Plastic Surgery prides itself on using gentle techniques to ensure your comfort throughout the short process.
  2. Dr. Cat will make a small incision on the inside of your cheek (inside the mouth). They will apply gentle pressure on the outside of your cheek to expose the buccal fat pad.
  3. Dr. Cat will remove the fat then close the incision and seal it with dissolvable stitches. Any scars will be minimal and they’ll be invisible because this procedure is performed inside the mouth. You’ll be done in under an hour with little to no pain!
  4. If you are having more than just one surgery during your visit you’ll be administered general anesthesia. In cases like these, you’ll need to arrange transportation home.

After the Procedure

Before you leave the office you’ll be given a special mouthwash to ward off any infection. Dr. Cat will discuss with you how to care for the incision after the procedure. You’ll need to be on a liquid diet for a few days, but after a while, you can have soft foods before returning to your normal diet.

Buccal fat reduction recovery is typically short (around three weeks). Due to the meticulous expertise of Dr. Cat Plastic Surgery, any swelling or bruising should be minimal. Both will diminish quickly as you heal.

Follow Dr. Cat’s instructions during recovery regarding eating and self-care. Attend all of your follow-up appointments.

In the months that follow you will see the results of your new enhanced look. It just takes a bit of time for the cheeks to settle and contour into their new shape. You’ll be delighted by the signature refined and natural-looking result.

Is Buccal Fat Removal Painful?

Patients who undergo buccal fat removal with Dr. Cat often report minimal pain or discomfort following the procedure. Dr. Cat is renowned for her gentle technique, which contributes to a relatively pain-free experience for patients. The precise and meticulous approach used by Dr. Cat minimizes trauma and reduces post-operative discomfort. While some individuals may experience mild soreness or swelling, it is typically manageable without the need for pain medication and only Tylenol. The quick recovery and lack of significant pain make buccal fat removal with Dr. Cat a wonderful option for individuals seeking facial contouring with minimal discomfort.

Buccal Fat Removal Cost

The cost of buccal fat reduction can range between $2000 to $6000. The cost could be less or more depending on the following factors:

  • The type of anesthesia used
  • The surgeon’s level of expertise

Beverly Hills Tummy Tuck

Buccal Fat Removal in Beverly Hills

Choosing to undergo buccal fat removal with Dr. Cat ensures a transformative experience with exceptional results. Dr. Cat’s reputation for her extraordinarily gentle technique sets her apart, as patients enjoy a swift recovery without experiencing significant pain or discomfort. With her elevated artistic eye, Dr. Cat takes a personalized approach, ensuring that patients achieve a natural and refined appearance. By carefully sculpting the cheeks to enhance facial harmony, Dr. Cat helps individuals achieve their desired aesthetic goals while maintaining their unique features. Patients can confidently entrust their buccal fat removal journey to Dr. Cat, knowing that they will receive the highest level of expertise, artistry, and care from this renowned plastic surgeon. If you think a buccal fat reduction might be right for you, give Dr. Cat’s office a call at 310-858-8808 and book a consultation.

Buccal Fat Removal
Before & After Photos


Is Buccal fat removal covered by insurance?

Buccal fat removal is considered an elective cosmetic procedure, which means it is typically not covered by insurance. Our office also does not accept insurance for this specific treatment. To assist with the financial aspect of the surgery, we offer payment programs and various financing options that can be discussed at the end of your consultation with Dr. Cat.

Are the results of buccal fat removal permanent?

Yes, the results of buccal fat removal are considered permanent. Once the excess buccal fat is removed, it does not typically return. However, the natural aging process and lifestyle factors can still affect the overall appearance of the face over time.


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