Tell us a little about yourself and what made you decide to get Plastic Surgery?
Starla: I am a 41 yr old mother of 2 children ages 2 & 17. Owner of Multiple businesses. Providing services and products to my WLS community, IG Influencer, Model, VSG/WLS-Patient & Activist, Providing a supportive & body-positive platform. This is my hearts’ passion to give women the Self Confidence to reach their body, life & mental goals. Being a Self Love & WLS Lifestyle Coach & Lover of true connections with pure genuine energy.
This surgery is the start of my life. This “Tummy Tuck” is the 1st to many more to come. I have lost over 200 lbs. of weight after having VSG in 2012. So the voluptuously curvy woman I was at 354 lbs. on a 5’2 frame went down to a 138 lbs unhealthy, sickly looking, sad messssss… I felt like my outside didn’t match my true inside…. I felt like a deflated balloon & a Hot Mess Child whew!. It’s Depressing, Annoying, Painful and a constant reminder of the old me. FACTS: Did you know that you can get a yeast infection and rashes from your skin folds? Surgery WAS & is STILL needed in order to reach my goals of a healthy lifestyle. So that I can continue to inspire and support my community. I feel blessed, humble & happy to have Dr. Cat as my surgeon & my very own Picasso creating our Masterpiece!
Q: Now that you’ve gone through this journey, what’s your life like? Any plans or new outlook for the future?
Starla: This 1st round transformation was a game-changer most definitely, but it has also shown me the life I am NOW capable of having & will have once My Picasso ‘Dr. Cat’ is completely finished. It has improved my outlook on life & the future. My daily lifestyle & Actives are sooooooooo much easier to do and for much longer times now. Everything looks so much brighter, bold, exciting & most importantly I have the confidence to take on the world.
Q: Tell us about your emotions and how you felt throughout your Tummy Tuck Plastic Surgery journey:
Starla: ❤ with my tummy… I mean my stomach is Flat.. Like Flat Flat like a 747 can land smoothly on my stomach. Like a natural high on life. I have also have had some low days because there are still reminders, of my other body parts that need to be touched by Dr. Cat. I always remind myself that this is all temporary and how wonderfully blessed I am to be where I am today. I am a work in progress & you can not rush a Masterpiece.
Q: How did it feel when you and Dr. Cat met and decided that your procedure was the right for you?
Starla: She is Sunshine in Human form. I felt so welcomed, like she was more excited to see me than I was to see her. Once we discussed my Tummy Tuck and she explained healing, recovery etc.. the time and energy she put into my mother feeling comfortable about my surgery. Her really listening, embracing my body goals was magical to me and made our connection that much stronger. The beautiful, motivating, inspiring, and definitely encouraging with her skill, her gift and her art. it spoke to me. I knew she heard me but heard my soul.

Q: How did it feel when your new body or new look was revealed to you?
Starla: I had no words, I was shocked, I was in disbelief.. when it set in…. that it was really real…. I cried.. and took a selfie!🤣 lol!!!! Not to mention I never went to sleep after surgery.. I was so high from the feeling of seeing my stomach for the 1st time.. that feeling lasted for months. If I could share that feeling with anyone or give it to someone who needed that uplifting feeling mannn I soooo would… It’s such a beautiful feeling & Moment. I swear I am still in love with & adore that area of my body…
Q: What do you think other people should know before undergoing Tummy Tuck Surgery?
Starla: Do your research. Try not to go out of the country, flying right afterward that long is dangerous. Base your decision on Your needs vs.. your wants so excessive surgery isn’t done. Follow ALL of your doctor’s orders. talk to your doctor about all medication & complications. Stay healthy, safe & Happy.
Q: With so many other doctors, why did you and why should others choose Dr. Cat?
Starla: Dr. Cat’s work ethic, skills, eye for detail (OCD) & dedication to performing the most beautiful, seamless, least amount of complications possible surgery is the biggest reason. Her work ALONE speaks for her.. Have you seen the episode??? But the way she softens up, comforter & secured my mother about doubts about me having the surgery. She answered EVERY question my mom had. Lastly, Our vibe, connection & understanding of natural true beauty is unmatched. She is my soulmate for sure.
Q: Is there a particular moment or memory that stands out for you?
Starla: The weight of my skin after being removed. The check-up calls after Tummy Tuck surgery, when Dr. Cat held my hand before I went under for surgery. The way her Aura was bright that morning of surgery. I could literally feel her energy as she started on our “Masterpiece”.
Q: Is there anything else you would like to share with our readers?
Starla: Dr. Cat is the ONLY surgeon I trust to bring to existence the Real, True & Beautiful version of me that I see. She understands how I want to look… Naturally me and NOT built/created. That’s extremely important to have a complete understanding and connection with your surgeon.
Q: Favorite Plastic Surgery Memory?
Starla: That my surgeon was more excited to meet me & treated me like I was the celebrity. Seeing her real-life interactions with her hubby and mini-me melts my heart every time. Lastly on the last taping day…… the feeling that I felt from everyone, who was apart of the this journey onset gave me, when they saw me after surgery!! Their faces were all priceless!!!! OMG the smiles on their faces after opening a small token thank you gift. I appreciate you all for your help in aiding Dr. Cat to create such an extraordinary beginning to Our “Masterpiece”. I love you Dr. Cat for this round and so many more coming!!!!
Peace, Light, and Love.
consultation with one of our Plastic Surgery Experts.