Breast Lift Recovery Guide: Week-by-Week Timeline

If you’re considering a breast lift, breast lift recovery is probably also something you’re concerned about. However, breast lift recovery can be a simple, straight-forward process that does not involve significant pain or disruption to your life. If you’re considering a breast lift surgery, you’re probably curious about the specifics of how long it will take until you’re healed and what to expect after a breast lift.

Here, we’ll outline the timeline of breast lift recovery that we advise for our own patients after having a breast lift procedure completed by Dr. Cat. However, it’s important to note that the cosmetic surgeon you choose plays a significant role in the experience you have during your recovery. Dr. Cat for instance, prioritizes her patients comfort and safety.

Dr. Cat’s meticulous technique ensures an easy, comfortable recovery and she takes extra care to make certain incisions heal perfectly with minimal scarring. That’s why it is extremely important to choose a highly experienced cosmetic surgeon like Dr. Cat to make sure your breast lift recovery goes smoothly and you’re thrilled with your results.

What to Know About Breast Lift Recovery

A breast lift, also known as a mastopexy, is a surgical procedure that helps remove sagging from the breasts by taking away loose skin while lifting and reshaping the breasts to create a more youthful and perky look. If you’ve come to rely on push-up bras and feel like your breasts have been deflated from weight changes, pregnancy or breastfeeding, a breast lift offers a way to lift and regain their shape. A breast lift does not add volume to your breast, it only lifts the tissue you already have. Because of this, some patients opt to include a breast augmentation with an implant into their breast lift procedure. 

Dr. Cat has spent years perfecting her breast lift technique to provide patients with outstanding results they are thrilled with. Part of Dr. Cat’s approach includes a refined approach to incisions, which conceal them and make them less noticeable. Her technique also is designed to streamline the healing process to minimize discomfort and scarring. 

Breast Lift Recovery Timeline

Breast lift recovery time is an important factor to consider when deciding on whether a breast lift is right for you. Below, you’ll find a breast lift week by week recovery guide that Dr. Cat uses to help guide her patients through recovery. This breast lift recovery timeline can give you an idea of what you experience before you’ve healed from breast lift surgery. If you’re wondering how long for breast lift incisions to heal and what to expect after a breast lift, read on. This brief mastopexy recovery overview will give you an accurate summary. If you’re wondering “how long does a breast lift last?” you can be reassured knowing that most women enjoy 10 to 15 years of their breasts being lifted before they need a revision. However, some patients’ results last much longer. 

Breast Lift Recovery Week by Week

Breast Lift Recovery: The First Three Days

Rest: After surgery, you will recover at home. During the first three days post-surgery, it’s very important to take it easy and rest as much as possible.

Light Diet: Expect to be on a liquid diet for the first day after surgery. You want to stay hydrated, so beverages like water and no-pulp fruit juice is recommended. You can also supplement this with nutritious broth.

Minimal Activity: Try to do as little activity with your arms as possible. It’s a good idea to have someone stay with you to help you with any of your basic needs in the first few days post-surgery. The less you use your arms, the more you can minimize swelling and bruising, allowing for a smoother recovery.

Regular Walking:  While you want to rest up as much as possible, it’s also important to sprinkle regular walks into your recovery. These shouldn’t be long walks. Instead, aim for a short, slow walk to the bathroom or around your room. These should be done every hour in the first three days post-surgery. Have someone there with you to lend a hand in case you feel dizzy or light-headed. These tiny walks will help in recovery by promoting healthy circulation and healing.

Week 1 Post-Breast Lift Surgery

During the first week after surgery, you’ll be keeping your arms by your sides, making sure not to raise your arms, which could stretch healing tissue and tear incisions. After three days of recovering, you’ll be able to remove any dressings that were placed on your incisions during surgery and also shower. It’s fine to get your incisions wet, but you’ll want to make sure you pat dry the area gently and apply clean gauze, which you’ll change daily. After showering and drying, it’s important to immediately put back on your special recovery bra. During the first month of recovery, you’ll want to use this bra only and never wear a sports or underwire bra.

Within the first couple of weeks after surgery, it’s perfectly natural and for your breasts to feel slightly numb. You may also feel discomfort on one breast, but not the other. This is normal and nothing to be concerned about.

If you experience any feelings of postoperative nausea in the first week, Dr. Cat recommends a bland diet of carbonated sodas and dry crackers to help settle your stomach. Anti-nausea pills may also help as well as starting off slowly with light foods that are easy to digest, since heartburn can be a common post-surgery occurrence. If you happen to experience post-surgery constipation, milk of magnesia or Miralax can be taken. 

Weeks 2 and 3 of Breast Lift Recovery

After the first two weeks you may resume moderate walks for as long as you feel comfortable. Always listen to your body and don’t push yourself. Healing takes time and it’s better to go slow than to “push through pain.” Remember recovering from surgery is not like working out, pain does not equal gains when it comes to healing. Between week 2 and 4, Dr. Cat typically begins scar therapy with her patients. 

During the first month of recovering, you may also notice a tingling burning sensation or a  shooting electric feeling. This is perfectly normal and is just a sign that your sensory nerves are regenerating. However, if you’ve had implants placed along with your breast lift and notice any hardening or distortion of the implants, it’s important to contact your cosmetic surgeon immediately. 

This is also the stage at which you may be able to safely begin driving again. However, you should never operate a vehicle while taking prescription pain medications, so it’s important to be aware of this issue and wait until you are not under the influence of these medications. 

One Month After Breast Lift Surgery

Your breasts may feel tight for a month or longer. After a month, you may notice more tightness if your breast lift involved repair of the chest muscles. Patients with this type of procedure will often experience the greatest amount of discomfort. At this time, Dr. Cat typically reevaluates patients and instructs them on how much activity they can now do and if they are cleared to sleep in other positions beyond just back sleeping.

Two Months After Breast Lift Surgery

It’s been over 60 days since your breast lift surgery. You’re probably feeling much more like yourself, with minimal discomfort and full energy. Based on doctor’s instructions, you may be ready to resume working out and performing body weight exercises. You’ll still need to wait about a month or more to lift weights or undertake chest exercises. At this point however, aerobic activity, jogging and sexual activity will all be safe as your recovery progresses.

Breast Lift Recovery Do’s and Don’ts During Recovery

Your breast lift recovery can last for several months before you are fully healed. During this time however, you’ll notice continual improvements in your energy and abilities. But it’s important throughout your recovery to follow some basic guidelines. These include:

Pain Medication

You can take over-the-counter pain medication as needed and as directed. If you’ve been prescribed antibiotics post-surgery, it’s important to take these as directed and to finish the entire prescription. Never take aspirin or aspirin-containing products for one week prior and two weeks after surgery.


Because smoking reduces the blood flow to your skin, it’s important to not smoke at all for at least two months after surgery. You should also stop smoking in the month leading up to surgery just to be on the safe side. 


Alcohol dilates the body’s blood vessels and this could increase postoperative bleeding. Due to this fact, it’s advised that you abstain from drinking alcohol for two weeks before and two weeks after surgery. 

Sunlight and Scarring

Did you know that exposure to sunlight can affect your incision area and cause hyperpigmentation? That’s why Dr. Cat recommends protecting your scars from the sun for a full year after surgery. Even though through a bathing suit, UV light can reach your skin and cause damage, so always apply sunscreen and avoid the sun during peak hours during your recovery period. 

Choose a Breast Lift Expert Who Ensures a Smooth Breast Lift Recovery

For the smoothest breast lift recovery, choose a cosmetic surgeon who has years of experience and rave reviews from past patients. Dr. Cat is an award-winning cosmetic surgeon in Beverly Hills who has developed her renowned techniques for lifting and enhancing breasts. Her dedicated technique prioritizes a patient’s healing so that they enjoy the best results with minimal discomfort and scarring. Schedule a pre-consultation to learn more about Dr. Cat’s unique approach to breast lift. 

About Dr. Cat

Board Certified Plastic Surgeon

Dr. Cat Begovic is a board-certified plastic surgeon in Beverly Hills, California. She graduated from Harvard University with Honors in Molecular and Cellular biology. From there she was awarded her medical degree at UCLA, where she also finished two surgical residencies. Dr. Cat has been in private practice since June 2010.

Dr. Cat’s passion for plastic surgery and for women’s transformation, her meticulous attention to detail, and her unique skills have positioned her as a leader in the field of cosmetic surgery.