What is a Thigh Lift? 7 Things You Need to Know About Thigh Lift Surgery

Are you considering a thigh lift procedure? Dr. Cat is renowned for her approach and technique for smoothing and lifting the thigh area. Learn more about how this cosmetic procedure can transform the thigh area, giving patients greater comfort, mobility, and confidence.

1.  What is a thigh lift?

A thigh lift removes excess skin from the inner thigh region. Dr. Cat specializes in this procedure, which can be combined with liposuction of the thighs if there is a small amount of excess fat in the region. A thigh lift isn’t just for aesthetic purposes (although it can dramatically smooth the look of the thighs). Patients often undergo a thigh lift to resolve uncomfortable chafing and skin irritation that can occur from excess skin friction. Thigh lift surgery can be incredibly helpful for patients who have experienced significant weight loss. As you can see from thigh skin removal before and after photos, the removal of excess skin is often a necessity for patients to be able to enjoy a comfortable, active lifestyle.

2.  Are there different types of thigh lifts?

There are different types of thigh lifts and while they differ in placement they all help to achieve the same goal of more youthful-looking legs. A thigh lift can help create more firm skin and an overall look that is more in proportion with the rest of the body.

Thigh Lift Patient Results

Outer Thigh Lift

  • Outer thigh lift – This type of surgery is used to smooth out the thigh and hip region to reduce dimpling in the skin in the butt region and down through the leg.

Inner Thigh Lift

  • Inner thigh lift surgery – Also called a “medial thigh lift,” this procedure focuses on the inner parts of the thigh. Discreet incisions are used to pull the inner thigh upward and inward, removing excess skin in the process. The inner thigh appears taught and smoother as a result.

Mini Thigh Lift

  • Mini thigh lift – As its name implies, this surgery only focuses on the top third area of the thigh region. It’s perfect for patients who don’t have significant excess skin but just want a smoother appearance. Since it’s a less involved surgery, the procedure is rather brief and recovery time is faster.

3.  What does a thigh lift surgery involve?

A thigh lift surgery begins by placing the patient under general anesthesia. Dr. Cat also uses a local numbing agent in the area to ensure a pain-free experience. A thigh lift surgery can take between four to seven hours depending on if other procedures have been added in. Liposuction can be a helpful addition because it will allow for the permanent removal of stubborn fat cells that can cling to this area of the body. If you opt to add liposuction to your procedure, this will be completed first. When focusing on the inner thigh area, Dr. Cat uses a special incision technique, which looks like a number 7, and is discreetly placed in the groin area. This incision allows Dr. Cat to use her trained eye to lift and tighten the skin both vertically and horizontally. During this tightening, excess skin is removed. Dr. Cat focuses on ensuring that both legs look uniform and seamless. Working to achieve symmetry and creating a smooth, even and flattering appearance are Dr. Cat’s priorities throughout the procedure.

4.  Who is a good candidate for thigh lift surgery?

Thigh lift surgery is not a weight loss solution. It’s designed to remove excess skin after weight loss has occurred. In the same way, liposuction is not designed to remove excessive amounts of fat, but simply to smooth out and remove the last bit of stubborn fat that may remain after weight loss. Patients should be at their goal weight before they consider a thigh lift surgery. Gaining or losing weight post-surgery can diminish the results and require additional procedures. Dr. Cat also advises patients who smoke to stop smoking for several months prior to surgery. During an initial consultation, Dr. Cat and her team will explain medication complications and request a doctor’s clearance prior to surgery.

5.  What is the cost of a thigh lift surgery?

Thigh Lift Before and After
Dr. Cat Plastic Surgery specializes in thigh lift surgery in Beverly Hills and Los Angeles. The cost of a thigh lift can vary depending on the region where surgery is performed and the surgeon’s expertise. Thigh lifts in the U.S. can range anywhere from $5,000 – $45,000. Because each patient is different, it’s important to schedule a consultation to see what is needed for your body and determine the cost of your individualized procedure.

6.  What is the recovery process like after a thigh lift?

After your thigh lift surgery, you should be monitored overnight by a trained team. When you are a patient of Dr. Cat’s, you’re taken to an after-care facility where you’re cared for by a trained staff of nurses. This is extremely helpful and comforting to know you’re recovering under their watchful eye. An initial post-op appointment is set for the next day. Some patients will experience a tighter feeling in their thighs initially after surgery. Most patients however do not experience post-surgery pain and generally only require over-the-counter pain medication. Typically you can begin light walking in the first week. After one week, many patients are feeling ready to resume their normal activities, however, Dr. Cat recommends waiting two weeks to return to work and six weeks to resume exercise.

7.  Is there scarring after a thigh lift?

Thigh Lift ResultsDr. Cat goes to great lengths to position incisions in the most discrete locations such as natural folds in the skin to minimize visible scarring. She uses a gentle technique that works to create the thinnest possible scars. For an inner thigh lift, for instance, Dr. Cat tucks the incision in the groin area, making sure scarring is not visible from a front and back view. Many patients are thrilled to learn they can wear shorts again thanks to this strategic placement. Finally, Dr. Cat focuses her post-op attention on recovery and scar treatment, which are started shortly after surgery. This gentle approach and attention to detail are reasons why so many patients travel from all over the world to visit Dr. Cat’s Beverly Hills office. At around a year post-surgery, scars are barely visible.

If you have excess skin that limits your activity and gets in the way of your comfort and style, the first step is easy. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Cat’s knowledgeable team. They look forward to helping new patients learn about what procedures will best help achieve their goals and walking them through every step in the process.

About Dr. Cat

Board Certified Plastic Surgeon

Dr. Cat Begovic is a board-certified plastic surgeon in Beverly Hills, California. She graduated from Harvard University with Honors in Molecular and Cellular biology. From there she was awarded her medical degree at UCLA, where she also finished two surgical residencies. Dr. Cat has been in private practice since June 2010.

Dr. Cat’s passion for plastic surgery and for women’s transformation, her meticulous attention to detail, and her unique skills have positioned her as a leader in the field of cosmetic surgery.