360 Liposuction vs. Tummy Tuck

360 Liposuction vs. Tummy Tuck in Beverly Hills: Which Is the Better Option for You?

Many women don’t realize that diet and exercise, although important, have limitations to how they can alter the body’s shape and appearance, that surgery can help.

Dr. Cat Begovic is a board-certified plastic surgeon who specializes in tummy tucks and 360 liposuction in Beverly Hills to help patients enhance their figure.

Cosmetic procedures like 360 liposuction or a tummy tuck can produce a slimmer, more toned figure through plastic surgery. While these two options can both help improve your figure, they are two very different treatment options. How do you know which one is best for you?

Read on to learn the differences between 360 liposuction and tummy tuck procedures.

What Is 360 Liposuction?

liposuction 360 before and after comparison360 liposuction is a surgical procedure that aims to remove fat from the body through use of suction. It is a minimally invasive surgery that is intended for patients who have a small to moderate amount of excess weight in various areas of the body. This typically includes the stomach, back, thighs, and arms.

Dr. Cat explains her 360 Liposuction technique below:

“I cannot emphasize more how liposuction is not about fat removal, it’s really about shaping and blending what needs to be done in a very precise and meticulous way in order for all of the areas to blend properly into each other and avoid situations with dents, irregularities or shelves around different sections of the body.” 

What Is a Tummy Tuck?

Also known as an abdominoplasty, a tummy tuck is a surgical procedure that aims to remove excess skin around the midsection while repairing and tightening abdominal muscles.

It can be an extensive, invasive procedure that is intended for patients who are close to their ideal weight, but have excess loose skin of the abdomen. It is not a weight loss surgery. Instead, it is meant to enhance the appearance of the abdomen.

Diet and exercise, although important, often cannot repair or treat the skin and underlying muscles that have been stretched. Even some of the thinnest patients have excess skin that they just can’t remove that a tummy tuck can help with. If there is excess fat in addition to excess skin, patients may also need to have liposuction as an additional procedure. If the mons pubis is also hanging, patients may also need to have a pubic lift.

Tummy Tuck vs. 360 Liposuction in Beverly Hills

When patients are looking to get in better shape and have a slimmer, more toned figure, they may not know which procedure is best for them.

360 liposuction can remove fat cells, while a tummy tuck can enhance underlying muscle tone. You may think the ideal solution is to have both procedures performed at once, but this isn’t safe. Dr. Cat explains why she does not perform 360 lipo with tummy tucks below:

“I would never perform a tummy tuck and 360 liposuction together since the blood supply to the stomach skin runs through the fat so it is not recommended to do extensive or aggressive liposuction at the same time as a tummy tuck.” 

Since these two procedures are not performed at once, Dr. Cat works with each patient to determine which of the two treatments will benefit them the most or if a combination of the two in separate surgeries would be the best plan. These two surgeries are very different in approach and outcomes, as well. The unique circumstances for each patient will dictate which procedure will be the better option for them.

Learn more about the differences between 360 liposuction and tummy tucks below.

360 Liposuction Procedure

360 liposuction is performed under general anesthesia in a plastic surgery center. The procedure begins with numbing the various treatment areas. For most patients, this includes some combination of the stomach, thighs, arms, and back.

Next, small incisions are made in these various areas around the body where there is excess fat. Dr. Cat goes above and beyond to make sure that these incisions are as discreet as possible with her special incision closure technique, resulting in nearly invisible scars.

A thin liposuction cannula is then inserted into each incision one at a time. This cannula is attached to a suction machine, which will provide the power to gently remove fat from the body.

Dr. Cat carefully maneuvers the cannula to suction away fat in a specific manner, essentially sculpting the body into a more desirable shape. The entire process can take anywhere from three to five hours, depending on the patient’s needs.

Tummy Tuck Procedure

Tummy tucks are performed under general anesthesia in a plastic surgical center. The procedure begins with the application of a numbing solution to the abdomen. Dr. Cat then makes a low, curved incision along an area that is marked prior to surgery.

Dr. Cat consults with the patient to determine exactly where they want their incision to be. It is usually just above the pubic area.

Once the incision is made, the skin and fat are lifted away from the abdominal wall, up to the edges of the ribs. A small circle is cut around the belly button and the skin around this is lifted, giving access to the abdominal muscles.

Excess skin and fat is removed and the underlying abdominal muscles are repaired and tightened. The skin is then lowered back down to cover the newly altered abdomen.

In many cases, the belly button will need to be reconstructed to fit the new appearance of the abdomen. Dr. Cat has developed a specialized technique to create a natural-looking innie belly button for her tummy tuck patients.

The entire tummy tuck process can take anywhere from four to seven hours, depending on the complexity of the patient’s needs.

360 Liposuction Recovery

The recovery from 360 liposuction is relatively simple. Patients are usually up and walking several hours after surgery. Most patients are discharged to return home that same night, but some may required to remain in the surgical aftercare center overnight before they can be discharged, depending on the number of areas of liposuction.  Many patients return to work a few days after their procedure.

Patients may experience mild swelling and bruising for a few weeks after surgery. Patients are asked to wear a compression garment during this time to reduce swelling and promote healing.

Dr. Cat has developed specialized techniques that create minimal scarring, which means that your 360 lipo scars will be almost invisible.

Tummy Tuck Recovery

Recovery from a tummy tuck is more extensive than the recovery from liposuction. Patients are required to remain in the surgical aftercare center overnight before they can be discharged.

During the first two weeks, patients will need to walk bent over for optimal healing. They can typically return to work after this period.

Surgical drains will be in place for one to two weeks and compression garments will be required for six weeks to enable proper healing.

There is minimal pain associated with a tummy tuck recovery, as Dr. Cat has developed an advanced approach that decreases discomfort.

360 Liposuction Candidates

The ideal candidate for 360 liposuction is someone who has a small to moderate amount of excess fat in various areas of the body. This includes the stomach, buttocks, arms, thighs, and back. The patient should be in good overall health, as the procedure requires general anesthesia.

Liposuction does not remove excess skin or alter underlying muscles in any way. It simply removes excess fat from the body. Patients who are looking to have excess loose skin removed or their underlying muscle enhanced will not benefit from liposuction.

Tummy Tuck Candidates

The ideal candidate for a tummy tuck is someone who is close to their ideal weight, but struggling with excess loose skin around the abdomen. The patient should be in good overall health because the procedure requires going under general anesthesia.

Tummy tuck procedures are not weight loss treatments. Rather than removing excess fat, they remove loose skin and enhance underlying abdominal muscles. Patients who want to remove excess weight will not benefit from a tummy tuck.

Tummy Tucks and 360 Liposuction in Beverly Hills

If you are interested in achieving a slimmer, more toned figure through plastic surgery, look no further than Dr. Cat Begovic.

Dr. Cat is a board-certified surgeon who performs tummy tucks and 360 liposuction in Beverly Hills. The satisfaction of her patients is Dr. Cat’s biggest priority.

Dr. Cat works directly with each patient, assessing their current anatomy and discussing their desired outcomes. Every patient’s anatomy is different, which is why it is vital to have a consultation with an expert plastic surgeon to determine which surgical approach will best meet your needs.

During your plastic surgery consultation, Dr. Cat will perform a complete physical examination. She will also address any questions or concerns you may have about your treatment options. She will use this time to create a detailed and customized plan for your specific surgical procedure, ensuring that your surgery is tailored to your specific goals.

Dr. Cat also offers video and phone consultations for patients who are traveling from another state or overseas. To schedule your plastic surgery consultation, please contact us today.

About Dr. Cat

Board Certified Plastic Surgeon

Dr. Cat Begovic is a board-certified plastic surgeon in Beverly Hills, California. She graduated from Harvard University with Honors in Molecular and Cellular biology. From there she was awarded her medical degree at UCLA, where she also finished two surgical residencies. Dr. Cat has been in private practice since June 2010.

Dr. Cat’s passion for plastic surgery and for women’s transformation, her meticulous attention to detail, and her unique skills have positioned her as a leader in the field of cosmetic surgery.