Wedding Skin Prep Timeline: A Complete Guide For Your Pre-Wedding Aesthetics

Unveiling the Power of Facials, Skincare, and Non-Invasive Treatments

Your wedding day is a momentous occasion filled with love, and on this special day, you deserve to look and feel exquisitely beautiful and confident in your own skin. Achieving a radiant and glowing complexion is a vital aspect of feeling your absolute best.

At Dr. Cat’s Plastic Surgery, we are dedicated to helping you discover innovative techniques that will enhance your natural beauty, address any skin concerns, and leave you with a radiant glow as you walk down the aisle. Allow us to guide you through a timeline that will help you achieve the picture-perfect look you’ve always envisioned for your big day.

Every bride dreams of a beautiful radiant glow on their wedding day, which is why we recommend creating a beauty prep timeline to prepare your skin for this unforgettable occasion. However, we understand that each individual’s skin conditions and needs may differ, making personalized advice essential. Our practice’s experienced providers will work closely with you to offer tailored recommendations on how to enhance your natural beauty and achieve that coveted bridal glow.

6 Months – 1 Year Before the Wedding

Preparing your skin for your wedding day is an essential and transformative journey that can significantly enhance your pre-wedding beauty routine. Facials, skincare treatments, and non-invasive skin tightening and rejuvenation devices play a crucial role in achieving the perfect skin you desire. To maximize the benefits, it is ideal to commence these treatments six months to a year before your big day, allowing your skin ample time to experience their full potential.

Regular facials can address specific skin concerns such as acne, hyperpigmentation, or dullness, while promoting a radiant and glowing complexion. Additionally, treatments like chemical peels and microdermabrasion gently exfoliate dead skin cells and stimulate collagen production, leading to improved skin texture and tone. ThermiSmooth stimulates collagen production, resulting in firmer and tighter skin, effectively diminishing fine lines and wrinkles. On the other hand, Venus Viva offers remarkable improvements in skin texture, evenness, and tightness, unveiling a rejuvenated and youthful look.

Skincare, an integral aspect of the process, lays the foundation for smooth makeup application on your wedding day. Since skincare takes time to demonstrate its efficacy and your skin may need time to adapt to new products, early commencement is highly recommended.

We proudly recommend MDGlam skincare for its exceptional quality and remarkable results, formulated personally by Dr. Cat in 2015. Driven by a passion for scientific research and a desire to create the best possible products, MDGlam stands apart from other offerings on the market. Dr. Cat’s expertise ensures that each product is carefully crafted to deliver the utmost effectiveness.

For instance, only specific molecular compounds of vitamin C have scientific data supporting collagen-building and fine-line reduction, while certain particle sizes of hyaluronic acid effectively penetrate the skin. This profound scientific knowledge is infused into MDGlam products, making them truly unparalleled in the market.

As you embark on this journey towards flawless skin, rest assured that maintaining a consistent skincare routine is crucial. This will not only complement the benefits of facial treatments but also preserve your skin’s radiance during and in between each session. With MDGlam skincare, you can confidently stride towards your wedding day, embracing the beauty and confidence that comes with luminous and perfect skin.

  • Pore Cleanser: MDGlam’s deep pore foaming cleanser is a gentle cleanser that has minerals from the Dead Sea, which deeply moisturize and hydrate the skin.
  • Exfoliator: The exfoliating enzyme scrub is a powerful yet gentle treatment that is designed to slough away dead skin cells, unclog pores, and reveal a smoother, brighter complexion.
  • Day Cream: The day cream is a luxurious and lightweight moisturizer that provides essential hydration while offering antioxidant protection, promoting a healthy glow. It is fortified with Vitamin C and E as well as DMAE, working to increase hydration, firmness, and counter UV exposures.
  • Night Cream: The night cream is a restorative and nourishing formula that works while you sleep, helping to replenish and revitalize the skin with glycolic acid, hyaluronic acid, and Vitamins A, B, C, and E.
  • Retinol Eye Serum: MDGlam’s retinol-c intense eye serum is an advanced formula that targets the delicate eye area, reducing the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and dark circles by utilizing the powerful combination of vitamin C and retinol.
  • Sunshout Sunscreen: The sunshout sunscreen is a high-performance and broad-spectrum UVA/UVB SPF-50 sunscreen that provides effective protection against harmful UV overexposure. It is also 100% white cast proof, ensuring that your makeup goes on smoothly, and your skin appears even-toned and beautiful.

The Power of Non-Invasive Treatments: A Comprehensive Guide to Optimal Results and Skincare Maintenance!

At our office, we prioritize your satisfaction and the effectiveness of our non-invasive treatments. To achieve optimal results, most of our treatments are designed as a full package of three sessions, spaced 4-6 weeks apart. This strategic approach ensures that your skin undergoes a comprehensive rejuvenation process, allowing for the best possible outcome.

In between treatments, maintaining a consistent skincare routine is essential to preserve and enhance the results. Proper skincare not only complements the effects of the treatments but also safeguards your skin against harmful sun exposure and environmental stressors.

For the ultimate experience and transformation, we highly recommend opting for the complete set of 3 treatments. This comprehensive approach allows your skin to fully benefit from each session, resulting in a radiant and rejuvenated appearance on your big day. Our team is dedicated to helping you achieve the wedding glow you’ve always dreamed of!


ThermiSmooth is a noninvasive radiofrequency treatment that can help improve the appearance of your skin, making it an excellent option for achieving a radiant complexion before your wedding day. It targets sagging or loose skin, particularly in areas like the face and neck. By stimulating collagen production, it can lead to firmer, tighter skin. As collagen is boosted, it improves the overall tone and brightness of your complexion, giving you that sought-after bridal glow. It is well-tolerated, and you can resume your normal activities immediately after the treatment, making it convenient for brides-to-be with busy schedules.

ThermiSmooth provides initial tightening after the treatment, and then gradual improvements over time, which is why it’s essential to start the treatment several months before your wedding. This allows your skin to respond and showcase its best results on your special day.

Venus Viva:

Venus Viva is a noninvasive skin resurfacing treatment that uses a combination of NanoFractional Radio Frequency and SmartScan technology to address various skin concerns. It promotes skin resurfacing by stimulating collagen and elastin production. This can help improve the texture of your skin, reducing the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and acne scars. The result is a smoother and more refined complexion. The treatment can help even out skin tone and fade hyperpigmentation or dark spots, giving your skin a more uniform and radiant appearance.

The Venus Viva treatments can be customized to address your specific skin concerns and needs. This resurfacing device also provides improvements over time, so it is recommended to start the treatment set at least 6 months before your wedding. Venus Viva is considered a low-downtime procedure, and sun protection is imperative to optimize the treatment’s effects and ensure you have glowing, beautiful skin. Ideally, you will have to stay out of the sun for 1 month after the treatment, which is something to keep in mind for brides who have a sunny destination wedding.

3-4 Months Before the Wedding

If you’re considering a little extra boost of confidence and want to turn heads as you walk down the aisle, starting Botox and fillers 3-4 months before your wedding can be a game-changer. These magical treatments used by brides worldwide can help you achieve a fresh and youthful appearance that will leave your guests in awe. From softening wrinkles and fine lines to adding volume and plumpness where needed, these treatments can elevate your pre-wedding glow. 

If this is your first time getting Botox or lip fillers, now would be a good time to start. That way we can figure out your perfect dose and pattern that will make you look perfect every day until your wedding day. By getting these treatments well in advance, you allow ample time for any potential swelling or minor adjustments to settle, ensuring a natural-looking outcome. This timeline also gives you the opportunity to work with us to create a customized treatment plan that enhances your natural beauty.

Botox: Botox is a neurotoxin that works wonders by temporarily relaxing facial muscles, reducing the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. It can be particularly effective in softening forehead lines, crow’s feet, and frown lines, which are those 11’s between your eyebrows. Botox takes up to 2 weeks for its full effect, starting early allows you to collaborate with us to create a custom treatment plan. In some cases, such as your first time, minor adjustments might be necessary to achieve the desired results. Starting early gives us enough time to do any touch-ups. As the effects of Botox settle in, you’ll notice a boost in your self-confidence, knowing that you’ll walk down the aisle looking and feeling your best.

Lip Filler: On the other hand, dermal fillers, typically made from hyaluronic acid, add volume and plumpness to areas such as the lips. Getting lip filler before your wedding can enhance your natural beauty and achieve the perfect pout for your most important kiss! Lip filler can add volume and fullness to your lips, creating a more attractive and youthful appearance. It can address thin or asymmetrical lips, giving you the confidence to smile and speak with poise on your big day. By getting the treatment well in advance, you allow time for any minor swelling to subside, ensuring your lips look their best and most natural on your wedding day. It will definitely accentuate your smile and add an extra touch of elegance to your bridal look. Lip filler can last several months, so getting the treatment before your wedding means you can enjoy your plump and luscious lips throughout your honeymoon and beyond.

Facials: Facials can help you achieve a radiant and flawless complexion on your special day. They can target various skin concerns such as acne, dryness, dullness, or uneven skin tone. By starting early, you give your skin time to improve and address these issues, leading to a more refined and balanced complexion. Hydrating facials are ideal for dry or dehydrated skin, as this helps deeply moisturize and nourish the skin, leaving it plump and glowing. Deep cleansing facials remove impurities, unclog pores, and balance oil production, making it great for acne-prone or congested skin. Brightening facials are designed to even out skin tone and reduce hyperpigmentation by using vitamin C or acids. Oxygen facials utilize pressurized oxygen to infuse serums, rejuvenating and brightening the complexion. Facials can be customized to help you achieve your desired skin.

Microdermabrasion: Getting microdermabrasion before your wedding can be an excellent addition to your pre-wedding beauty routine. It is a non-invasive exfoliating treatment that gently removes the outer layer of dead skin cells, revealing smoother and softer skin. This can help improve the texture of your skin, making it the perfect canvas for makeup application on your wedding day. It is relatively quick and painless, with no downtime required. This is great for brides who need to get back to the busy wedding planning schedule, and you’ll notice immediate improvement in your skin.

Skincare: Continuing to prioritize good skincare 3-4 months before your wedding is the most important for achieving the bridal glow. Consistency is key, and maintaining a diligent skincare routine during this crucial time will ensure your skin is at its best. From thorough cleansing to hydrating and sun protection, each step plays a vital role in preparing your complexion.

1 Month Before the Wedding

Botox: Since it takes up to 2 weeks for Botox to fully relax your muscles, getting it 1 month before the wedding will allow time for any touch-ups needed before the wedding.

Fillers: Lip fillers typically take a few days to settle and for any swelling to subside. Having lip fillers done 1 month ahead of any special events will enhance your natural lips to make them fuller and extra kissable on the wedding day.

Facials: As the wedding approaches, opt for more gentle and hydrating facials to ensure your skin is calm, nourished, and offers immediate benefits without significant downtime. This may include hydrating facials, oxygen facials, and any customized facials that target your skin concerns.

Avoid: It’s crucial to avoid scheduling any aggressive treatments too close to the wedding, as they may cause temporary redness or irritation. Avoid intense laser treatments such as CO2 or Fraxel, as they may require a longer recovery time and could cause redness or inflammation. We also recommend staying away from deep or aggressive chemical peels, as they have significant downtime and can cause redness and peeling. Refrain from introducing new skincare products. Stick to the products you know work well with your skin to minimize the risk of unexpected reactions or breakouts. Don’t forget to stay hydrated, follow a consistent skincare routine, and get enough sleep to complement the effects of your facial treatments and achieve that coveted bridal glow.

1 Week Before the Wedding

As your wedding day approaches, with just one week remaining, we place special emphasis on the vital role of hydration in achieving a radiant complexion. Hydrated skin not only appears plump and luminous but also provides the perfect canvas for flawless bridal makeup.

Throughout the week, ensure you maintain a steady intake of water to keep your skin nourished and well-hydrated from within. Complement this hydration routine with MD Glam’s day and night moisturizers, expertly designed to lock in moisture, leaving your skin supple and dewy. By focusing on hydration, you’ll give your skin the extra love and care it needs to look its best.

Aside from hydration, there are some skincare products to avoid so close to the big day. We recommend discontinuing the use of retinol or acid-based skincare products as they cause increased sensitivity and may not be ideal for your wedding day. Retinol is a potent ingredient that can cause redness, dryness, or flaking. By allowing your skin to recover and refrain from using these products at least 1 week before your wedding, you ensure that your skin is at its most vibrant and ready to shine on your special day.

Day of the Wedding

On the most momentous day of your life, it is essential to adhere to a straightforward and gentle skincare regimen. Begin by cleansing your face with MD Glam’s gentle deep pore cleanser, meticulously designed to eliminate impurities and residual makeup, ensuring a fresh canvas for your bridal beauty. Follow this with the application of MD Glam’s DMAE day cream, skillfully formulated to deeply hydrate and nourish your skin, fostering a radiant and supple complexion.

As the final step to shield your skin from harmful UV rays, apply the sunshout broad-spectrum sunscreen, providing your skin with optimal protection throughout the day. With this comprehensive skincare routine, your skin will be prepped and ready for a flawless and stunning makeup application on your wedding day.

The timeline we have discussed serves as a guiding light to plan and prioritize your skincare routine in the months leading up to your special day. Recognizing that every bride’s skin is unique, we encourage you to consult with us to create a personalized plan addressing your specific concerns and aspirations.

With the use of premium skincare products and an array of non-invasive skin treatments at your disposal, your wedding day beauty will be nothing short of extraordinary.

Radiant and Confident: Your Journey to Unforgettable Wedding Day Beauty

Your wedding day is a significant milestone that represents the beginning of a lifelong journey filled with love and happiness. Achieving a radiant and confident appearance is essential to feeling your absolute best on this special occasion.

By following the comprehensive beauty prep timeline we’ve outlined, you can achieve a radiant and glowing complexion that perfectly complements your bridal glow. From innovative facials and non-invasive treatments to the transformative power of Botox and fillers, each step in the timeline is carefully designed to enhance your natural beauty and leave you with a flawless and stunning look as you walk down the aisle.

At Dr. Cat’s Plastic Surgery, we are dedicated to helping you achieve your dream wedding look, and our team of experienced providers is here to guide you every step of the way. With the perfect combination of personalized skincare recommendations and the finest non-invasive treatments, you can confidently embrace your bridal beauty and make your wedding day an unforgettable experience filled with love and joy.

I’m thrilled to announce a special offer just for you: secure any non-invasive procedure package with me, and you’ll enjoy an incredible $500 off discount! It’s the perfect moment to embrace a journey of accentuating your natural elegance. Don’t wait—this offer stands valid only for appointments set before August 1st, 2023!

Please call the office at 310-858-8808 or email [email protected] to schedule your consultation and treatment.

I look forward to the privilege of meeting and guiding you towards achieving vibrant, healthier skin. The joy I feel in witnessing my patients’ transformations as we collaboratively reach your skincare aspirations is unparalleled.

With Love,

Scarlet Kim, PA-C at Dr. Cat Plastic Surgery