Natural Looking Blepharoplasty in Beverly Hills

Do you struggle with excess skin on your upper eyelids that cause you to look tired and strained? Are under-eye bags adding an aged appearance to your face?

Whether it be genetics or age, excess skin and fat around the eyes can add years to your appearance, making you look tired. A blepharoplasty can help reduce this excess eyelid skin and restore harmony to your face.

Dr. Cat Begovic is a plastic surgeon who provides natural-looking blepharoplasty in Beverly Hills. This cosmetic procedure is designed to enhance your overall facial appearance by helping you look younger and refreshed. Read on to learn more about the entire blepharoplasty process with Dr. Cat.

What Is Blepharoplasty?

More commonly known as an eyelid lift, blepharoplasty is a plastic surgical procedure that aims to improve the appearance of the eye area. Blepharoplasty procedures remove excess skin on the upper or lower eyelid that can add age to your appearance, or obstruction to your vision. A blepharoplasty can also remove fat from the lower eyelid, which often causes under-eye puffiness.

The goal of a blepharoplasty is to create a more refreshed appearance. After removing excess skin around the eyes and reducing under-eye puffiness, your eyes appear youthful and more vibrant.

Why Do Patients Seek Blepharoplasty?

Patients seek blepharoplasty to improve the appearance of their eye area. These patients often have excess skin on the upper eyelid, making the eyes look tired or aged. Many patients have excess skin and fat on the lower eyelids, which creates under-eye “bags” or puffiness.

Dr. Cat explains the importance of blepharoplasty here,

“As we get older, or sometimes genetically, there is excess hanging skin over the eyes or lower eye bags. This can make patients look tired and aged. My female patients often complain that they have trouble applying eyeshadow and their eyeliner constantly imprints itself higher up on the lid. My patients with excessive upper eyelid skin often feel tired – that they have to strain or lift their eyebrows to see or read. The puffiness to the lower lids makes patients look sad or sleepy. Also as I am 45, this is an area I struggle with myself. I wish I could operate on myself!”


The Blepharoplasty Process

If you are considering a blepharoplasty procedure, it is important to have a clear understanding of all that this surgery entails to ensure you have the best possible results. Read on to learn more about the blepharoplasty process from beginning to end.


Before having any cosmetic procedure performed, you will need to consult with Dr. Cat. Dr. Cat uses this initial surgical consultation to assess your current anatomy and determine whether you are a good candidate for the surgery you are interested in. During this consultation, Dr. Cat will perform a physical examination of the area and discuss your desired outcome.

You will be asked to provide a complete medical history before your consultation. Dr. Cat will review your medical records and discuss any relevant information with you. Your medical history is essential because it can impact your eligibility to receive a blepharoplasty.

Dr. Cat prides herself on being honest and upfront with her patients. If she believes that blepharoplasty will not benefit you, she will advise you on alternative cosmetic options during your consultation.

If you are deemed a good candidate for blepharoplasty, you will need to get medical clearance from your primary care physician. This step ensures that it is safe for you to go under general anesthesia.

If you’re a smoker, you must quit at least two months before your surgical date. Depending on your smoking history, you may need to quit up to one year before your surgical date. This is necessary, as smoking can prohibit wound healing and lead to other complications.


Blepharoplasty is performed under general anesthesia. Dr. Cat will use a 3.5X microscope to get a highly detailed view of the skin around the eye area. Dr. Cat uses precise measurements down to parts of millimeters to get the eyes as perfectly symmetric as possible. If the treatment area is your upper eyelid, Dr. Cat will make a discreet incision in the crease of the upper lid. She will remove any excess skin from the upper eyelid through this crease.

If she’s working on your lower eyelid, Dr. Cat will make the incision along the lash line so that the lower lashes can hide it. She will remove excess skin through this incision. If you’re experiencing under-eye bags or puffiness, she will gently remove fat through this incision, as well.

Once complete, these incisions are closed with small sutures that support optimal healing. The entire procedure can take anywhere from two to four hours, depending on the complexity of the case.

Painless Recovery

Most blepharoplasties are outpatient procedures. This means that the patient can return home the same day as their treatment.

Once your blepharoplasty is complete, you will be monitored by our surgical nursing staff as you awaken from anesthesia. You will not be able to drive or perform certain tasks in the days that follow your eyelid lift, so you should arrange to have someone drive you home and assist with your post-surgery needs.

There will be minor swelling and bruising around the eyes in the first week, but since Dr. Cat is extremely gentle during this surgery, this should subside quickly. The tiny sutures can be removed about five to seven days after your procedure.

It will take about three to four months for the tissue and skin to settle into their new positions around the eyes. At this point, you can see the final outcome of your blepharoplasty procedure.


Frequently Asked Questions About Blepharoplasty

Having questions and concerns before seeking a new cosmetic treatment is understandable. Below are some of the most frequently asked questions about blepharoplasty.

Is Blepharoplasty Only for Cosmetic Purposes?

The purpose of a blepharoplasty is to improve the appearance of the eye area by removing excess skin or reducing under-eye puffiness. In addition to aesthetic purposes, blepharoplasty can actually improve vision and reduce eye strain for patients.

Patients with very heavy upper eyelids or excess skin around the eyes often struggle to hold their eyes open, putting strain on their vision. A blepharoplasty can help reduce this eye strain.

Am I a Good Candidate for Blepharoplasty?

If you are unhappy with the appearance or experiencing vision obstruction of your eye area, blepharoplasty could be a good treatment option. Blepharoplasty is designed for patients who have excess skin either on the upper or lower eyelid.

This procedure can also reduce under-eye bags or puffiness. Suitable candidates for blepharoplasty should be in overall good health, non-smokers, and have a realistic desired outcome.

How Much Does a Blepharoplasty Cost?

A blepharoplasty in Beverly Hills can cost anywhere between $4,000 to $15,000, depending on the patient’s unique needs as well as the surgeon’s level of experience and expertise.

Will Insurance Cover My Blepharoplasty?

Insurance coverage for blepharoplasty depends on the insurance coverage, but most consider this to be an elective cosmetic procedure. However, in cases where excess skin obstructs a patient’s vision, insurance companies may provide partial coverage.

With that being said, Dr. Cat’s office does not accept insurance, but they can provide you with the paperwork you will need to submit a claim to your insurance after your surgery has taken place. Before scheduling a plastic surgery procedure, make sure to check with the surgeon’s office about whether insurance is accepted.

Is Blepharoplasty Recovery Painful?

Dr. Cat has developed a specialized technique for eyelid lifts that minimizes pain and shortens recovery. There may be very minimal swelling and bruising around the eyes in the first few days following your procedure, but this subsides.

Dr. Cat is known for her gentle technique, so most patients do not report any pain or discomfort during their recovery.

Will It Be Obvious That I Had Work Done After a Blepharoplasty?

With meticulous attention to detail, Dr. Cat creates the most discrete incisions that will be nearly invisible once the patient is fully healed.

She is also a former board-certified ENT surgeon who takes extra care to ensure that the eye area remains natural-looking. She explains her approach to natural-looking blepharoplasty procedures below,

“When it comes to eyelid lift surgery, I strongly believe in creating natural-looking results. Too often, this surgery is performed too aggressively, especially with the upper eyelid, creating an unnatural “surprised” look, or changing the natural or cultural shape of the eye, making it look fake.”


Natural-Looking Blepharoplasty in Beverly Hills

Dr. Cat Begovic is a board-certified plastic surgeon who provides blepharoplasty in Beverly Hills. Dr. Cat has spent years in the industry crafting an advanced approach to a wide range of cosmetic procedures. She can perform eyelid lifts with a gentle hand and meticulous techniques that give natural yet significant results. Patients look like a refreshed version of themselves.

Dr. Cat works directly with each patient to design a custom treatment plan that meets their needs, ensuring the best outcome possible. To schedule a consultation with Dr. Cat, please call our office today.