Weighing the Safety: Unveiling the Facts About Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL)

Let’s face it — body confidence hasn’t always come easy, has it? Those pesky trouble spots, particularly around your backside, seem immune to every workout and diet you try. Now, you’re thinking about a Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL), but there’s a bit of hesitation about BBL safety and recovery. We hear you.

At Dr. Cat Plastic Surgery, we’ve performed thousands of BBLs, helping clients like you fall back in love with their bodies. Safety and transparency are at the forefront of every procedure, ensuring every step we take is always in your best interest.

This article offers plastic surgeon insights on BBL safety to cut through the myths and lead you on the best path forward.

Brazilian Butt Lift Surgery: Procedure Details

BBL surgery is a procedure in which fat is harvested from one or more parts of the body (via liposuction) and carefully transferred into the buttocks. The goal? To boost the look of your derrière and refine overall body contouring.

In the right hands, BBL surgery can improve:

  • The shape or volume of your booty
  • Overall body proportions
  • Your posture and silhouette
  • How your clothing fits
  • Your self-confidence, of course

Yet despite this procedure’s popularity, BBLs aren’t for everyone.

BBL Patient Eligibility

Not everyone is a candidate for BBL surgery because of various factors related to health, body type, and lifestyle. But these criteria aren’t based on guesswork or your surgeon’s preference.

These guidelines are carefully established to safeguard your well-being and make sure you’re completely enamored with your final results. So, what makes someone a prime candidate for BBL surgery?

To qualify, you should:

  • Feel insecure about the appearance of your buttocks
  • Express concern about areas resistant to weight loss
  • Have sufficient fat for liposuction and transfer
  • Maintain a BMI of 30 or below
  • Be in good overall health
  • Refrain from smoking for a period before and after surgery
  • Have realistic expectations about what a BBL can achieve
  • Fully commit to your surgeon’s pre- and post-operative guidelines

But to achieve the booty of your dreams, you’ll have to do your part, too.

BBL Recovery Guidelines

Here’s what you can expect once you’re out of the O.R.:

  • Week 1

You’ll lean on your caregiver for initial post-op care for at least two weeks. The numbness will gradually subside, and you’ll begin to feel some tenderness and discomfort.

Your compression garments will be fitted while you’re still under. You’ll wear these for at least two or three weeks to aid healing.

Your most important rule? No sitting or sleeping on your new backside for at least two weeks.

  • Week 2

Although you’re still swollen, any bruising and discoloration should slowly disappear.

You begin to feel a bit more mobile but should still refrain from sitting or laying on your buttocks.

  • Weeks 3 to 4

Most pain and discomfort should be almost gone. Your liposuctioned areas have begun to smooth out, and the best part? You can sit on your butt again — just limit it to short spurts.

  • Week 6+

While it can take a full year for your BBL results to settle completely, you can now return to your routine. Workouts? Bring ‘em on. Wardrobe refresh? You’ve earned it.

No doubt, this procedure’s transformative potential is truly life-changing, but it’s still important to understand all possible risks.

Understanding Brazilian Butt Lift Risks

BBLs have become an increasingly popular procedure over the years. Unfortunately, images on social media can easily distort our perception of realistic results or, worse, tempt you to sacrifice quality for a look that might be photoshopped or poorly executed.

The potential risks associated with BBLs include:


Numerous factors can trigger post-op infections, such as bacterial entry during surgery, poorly sterilized fat deposits or surgical equipment, and improper wound care.

Asymmetry and Irregularities

Achieving symmetrical, smooth results requires a skilled hand. Otherwise, there’s a higher risk of uneven fat distribution, leading to lumps or an uneven appearance.

Suboptimal Results

It’s normal for your body to reabsorb 20-40% of the transferred fat. In some cases, it absorbs more than anticipated, leading to a shrunken booty and less dramatic results than you hoped.

Adverse Reaction to Anesthesia

While generally safe, anesthesia comes with its own risks, particularly for individuals with specific health conditions (like respiratory issues or anesthetic allergies).

Nerve Damage or Numbness

Temporary or, in rare cases, permanent sensation loss can sometimes occur in the treated areas, along with potential nerve damage.

Visible Scarring

Incisions are necessary for fat transfer, which can potentially result in scars. While typically small and strategically placed, they’re an inherent part of surgery.

Blood Loss and Bruising

Some blood loss is normal during surgery, but excessive loss can lead to complications. Bruising in the treated areas is also common.

Fluid Accumulation (Seroma)

Sometimes, fluid accumulates at the liposuction or injection sites, requiring additional intervention to resolve.

Fat Embolism

This occurs when fat enters the bloodstream and travels to the lungs or brain. It can be potentially life-threatening if not promptly addressed.

The smartest way to dial back risks? Vet your provider’s cosmetic surgery safety protocols.

The Importance of Specialized Expertise

Unfortunately, not every surgeon specializes in BBL procedures, yet some go ahead with them anyway. A little unnerving, right?

The bright side is that with a little due diligence, you can make sure that the surgeon you trust checks all the right boxes for a safe, successful procedure.

To make an informed decision for BBL surgery, here’s what you’ll want to look for:

Dr. Cat Huang-Begovic is an award-winning, dual-board-certified surgeon with extensive experience in BBLs. She specializes in natural-looking BBLs that follow the highest standards of fat transfer safety in cosmetic surgery.

From meticulous care in her liposuction technique and the sterilization of harvested fat to her 360-degree transfer and recovery approach, rest easy knowing that Dr. Cat is fully invested in your surgery’s success.

Dispelling BBL Safety Myths: True or False

BBL surgery is one of the deadliest procedures

False. This misconception often stems from news reports about unqualified individuals performing BBL procedures. However, when performed by licensed, board-certified surgeons who adhere to cosmetic surgery safety protocols, the risks are on par with those of other surgeries like breast augmentation or tummy tuck.

Weight gain will ruin your BBL results

True (kind of). Subtle weight fluctuations likely won’t affect your BBL results. However, significant weight changes could impact the fat cells in your buttocks, as they react to weight loss and gain like any other fat cells in your body.

BBLs only look good on certain bodies

False. BBLs can enhance a variety of body types. In fact, Dr. Cat is renowned for her skinny BBLs, tailored to patients with petite frames, leaner figures, and less body fat.

Dr. Cat Plastic Surgery: The Safest Route to a Stunning Derrière

We know how important it is to stick to your budget, see rapid results, and connect with your surgeon. When it comes to BBL safety, we never compromise quality for cost savings or unrealistic promises.

Quality and safety take precedence above all.

Ready to get the booty of your dreams without skimping on safety? Your journey starts here.