Merging Breast Augmentation and Breast Lift Surgery

Elevating Aesthetics with Combined Breast Augmentation and Breast Lift

Dreaming of a fuller bust is one thing. Dreaming of a perkier décolletage is another. But what if you find yourself desiring both? That’s where the magic of combined breast augmentation and lift comes into play, harmonizing lift and fullness to shape your dream silhouette.

And listen, we get it—the thought of dual procedures can seem daunting at first. But we promise the reality isn’t as scary as you think, especially in the hands of a skilled and trusted provider like Dr. Cat Begovic.

Today, we’re here to ease your worries and guide you confidently into this new chapter of breast rejuvenation.

From what surgery entails to real-life transformations, common questions, and everything in between—this article covers all the essentials regarding combined breast augmentation and lift.

The Harmony of a Breast Lift with Implants: An Aesthetic Symphony

Let’s start with breaking down the differences between breast augmentation-mastopexy procedures:

Breast Augmentation with Implants

Commonly dubbed a “boob job,” breast augmentation is a procedure that involves placing implants under your breast tissue or chest muscles to enhance the size, shape, and volume.

Breast Lift

A breast lift, or mastopexy, is a procedure that aims to lift and reshape flattened or sagging breasts.

As for how these two surgeries come together…

Breast Lift with Implants

Also known as an augmentation-mastopexy procedure, this surgery combines breast augmentation with implants and a breast lift for a truly comprehensive breast makeover.

This dual approach enhances your breasts’ shape and fullness while raising them to a more youthful position and removing excess skin.

The result? A harmonious balance of volume and perkiness reminiscent of years gone by.

That said, it’s important to remember that not every surgeon specializes in combined breast augmentation and lift…

Dr. Cat Breast Enhancement Expertise: Sculpting Silhouettes

Dr. Cat Begovic is a name synonymous with excellence in the realm of breast enhancement in Beverly Hills.

She believes that a comprehensive breast makeover is about more than resculpting your figure—it’s about resculpting your confidence with a body that finally resonates with your true self.

As for Dr. Cat’s resume, it’s reflective of an unparalleled commitment to her craft, featuring:

  • Dual board plastic surgery certifications
  • Decades of continued learning and experience
  • Prominent awards, publications, and media presence
  • Proprietary inventions and ground-breaking techniques
  • Extensive track record of unparalleled results and satisfied patients

Entrusting your augmentation-mastopexy procedure to the wrong surgeon can have devastating outcomes. In fact, Dr. Cat has dedicated a portion of her career to rectifying these unfortunate situations.

When it comes to your breasts, why gamble with uncertainty? Instead, choose a surgeon fully invested in your journey—making it as much theirs as it is yours.

Combined Breast Augmentation and Lift: What to Expect

So, what will your comprehensive breast makeover look like? Let’s start from the beginning…

Your Consultation

First, you’ll have an in-depth consultation with Dr. Cat to discuss your concerns and body goals. She’ll assess your anatomy, medical history, lifestyle, and desired results.

With that in mind, Dr. Cat puts together a surgical plan for your personalized breast transformation, tailored just for you.

Preoperative Preparation

At your consultation or in the weeks leading up to your breast lift with implants, Dr. Cat’s office will provide you with your pre-operative guidelines.

This can include lab work; dietary, medicinal, and activity restrictions; or pre-op appointments. Following these instructions is crucial to your surgery’s success.

The Procedure

Right before surgery, you’ll receive both general and local anesthesia, ensuring a serene, pain-free procedure.

From there, you’ll drift into a peaceful slumber, and Dr. Cat will put your tailored surgical plan into action.

After making strategic incisions, Dr. Cat creates a pocket to place your implant either under or over the pectoral muscle. Then, she reshapes your breast around the implant, ensuring a natural, desirable contour. Finally, Dr. Cat repositions your nipple and areola, removing any excess skin for a lifted, more defined appearance.

The final step? Closing your incisions with sutures and bringing you out of anesthesia.


Thanks to Dr. Cat’s meticulous technique, you can rest assured your path to healing is smooth and seamless, with minimal scarring and discomfort.

Here’s what recovery from combined breast surgery typically looks like:

  • Days 1-3: You’ll wear a post-surgical bra. Some swelling, bruising, and discomfort are normal. Take this time to relax and reset.
  • Week 1: Reduce arm movement. Regularly clean your incisions, as per post-op instructions. Only wear your recovery bra. Incorporate short, slow walks.
  • Weeks 2-3: Reintroduce moderate walks and driving. Continue wearing your recovery bra. Begin Dr. Cat’s scar therapy.
  • Month 1: Tightness and discomfort are still expected. Continue meeting with Dr. Cat for follow-up care and activity clearance.
  • Months 2 and on: You should feel like your old self again. With Dr. Cat’s clearance, you can reintegrate most exercises and activities.

The path to healing may take some time, but your results will be well worth it.

Blossoming Results: Dual Breast Procedures Benefits

Harmonizing lift and fullness? That’s just skimming the surface of what Dr. Cat’s comprehensive breast makeover can do for you.

Here are some of the benefits you can look forward to after undergoing a combined breast augmentation and lift:

  • Enhanced volume and lift
  • Improved proportions
  • Youthful contour
  • Symmetry and balance
  • Versatility in fashion
  • Enhanced comfort
  • Increased confidence
  • Enduring results

We can describe the perks all day, but nothing speaks louder than the stories of patients who’ve lived and breathed the transformative power of dual breast procedures:


Breast Lift with Implants: Frequently Asked Questions

Dr. Cat is committed to ensuring you feel informed and at ease during every step of your transformation.

Here are answers to her patients’ most common FAQs:

What is a combined breast augmentation and lift?

This procedure combines breast implants with a breast lift to enhance volume and shape while lifting the breasts into a more youthful position.

How long is recovery from combined breast surgery?

Every body is different. Most patients can expect to take 1 to 2 weeks off and avoid strenuous activities for 4 to 6 weeks.

Will there be visible scars?

Barely! Dr. Cat takes great care to minimize scarring and ensure any trace of surgery is as inconspicuous as possible.

Are there any risks with combined breast augmentation and lift?

Every surgery carries risks, including infection, bleeding, and complications. During your consultation, Dr. Cat will discuss all potential risks and how to mitigate them.

Ready to Begin Your Transformation?

Choosing to undergo plastic surgery is a deeply personal choice, especially when it involves dual procedures in such an intimate area.

Imagine finally wearing that low-cut dress you’ve had hiding in the back of your closet. Or ditching those uncomfortable push-up bras? A combined breast augmentation and lift can bring that vision to life.

Dr. Cat understands what brought you to this point and is dedicated to delivering your dream results. Your safety and satisfaction? They’re her top priorities.

This is the moment to let your confidence radiate, leaving your insecurities about your breasts in the rear-view.

Schedule your consultation with Dr. Cat today.